Ratherbeonfire's Songlist

17,988 songs in 487 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

18611 [3520] [09] Kung Fu Beat Ch!pz ITL Online 2025 00:02:19 138 9
4764 Sugar Natalia Gordienko JBEAN Originals - 2021 00:01:45 120 1 2 5 7 9
16293 Metal Crusher Undertale CementCity Tech-Bit Adventures 3 00:01:49 123 1 4 5 8 11
14126 OK [V] Cosmicosmo, Slow Shudder 9guys1pack 00:01:54 1 3 7 10 13 13
7886 A Map of the World [V] tsunenori The Starter Pack of Stamina 00:05:38 101 7 8 10 10 11
12396 Robots Can't Drink e-dubble Fanatik's Fantastic Pack - Chaos 00:02:19 95 7 9
17672 Soapy Bubble Fragmentz In The Groove Redux 00:01:49 141 12 12
14254 Clairvoyance LV.4 Rikame's Simfiles 6 00:02:01 145 1 4 9 11 13 12
1547 Anathema Asaki Cafe Cursed 2 00:01:57 134 4 10 14 17
6312 Shout Scandroid, Blue Stahli, Sunset Neon Shpadoinkle #7 00:02:36 120 11
17267 Johanna (Shut Up) Dan Balan Braeden's Technicality 3 00:01:39 134 1 3 5 7 9
16587 DEVOTION AJURIKA feat.SAK. TJSGP2024 Full Package 00:02:07 13
10460 dong Eliminate feat. "DK" Donkey Kong & Lil Jon Highflyer's Memories of Summer 2023 00:01:24 115 2 3 7 9 10
15972 That Green Gentlemen (Things Have Changed) [V] Panic! at the Disco Lisek's Legacy 00:02:05 96 1 2 5 7 8
1166 Marvin Gaye Charlie Puth feat. Meghan Trainor Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX Galaxy 00:01:58 110 1 2 5 7 8 6
11502 Teenage Birdsong Four Tet yutsi-type beats 00:03:05 196 15 16 16 17
10870 [T10] $100 Bills (Camellia's $215-Step Remix) Camellia Winter Groove 00:02:42 215 14
4630 Go To War Hardwell JBEAN Originals - 2020 00:01:30 132 1 4 5 7 9
18408 Trick Room Koraii Yosefu's Pile of Dance Simfiles 00:02:22 160 1 3 6 8 10
6987 Caffeine Kitty ESAI Super Skittles Selection Turbo 00:02:25 115 6 8 10
17260 Da Capo Ace of Base Braeden's Technicality 3 00:01:23 138 1 3 6 8 10
12210 Let Me Stay Here [Full Song] [V] Ceres Fauna KyokiShinsa - Hololive Pack 4 00:03:31 97 1 3 8 14
8990 Pantscada TCY FORCE ephemera 00:01:58 153 10
5188 Make You Happy Niziu Koreyja 3 00:02:04 160 10 9
2526 Spookeez Kawai Sprite FEARMIX 2021 00:01:40 150 13
7188 Big Blue (S.S.H Metal Remix) F-Zero S.S.H Tech-Bit Adventures 00:02:07 113 3 6 10 11
9059 We Are Here Prof.Sakamoto global namespace 3 00:02:08 126 2 4 6 7 9
12177 Idol (アイドル) [Full Song] [IRyS Cover] [V] IRyS KyokiShinsa - Hololive Pack 5 00:03:34 3 7 13 15
3394 [08] War of Change (Andy Hunter Remix) Thousand Foot Krutch ITL Online 2022 00:01:59 125 8
3225 Ascent TANUKI ITG Level Asian 00:02:23 145 1 4 7 10 12
16227 BREACH PROTOCOL Kurorak 15gays1pack 00:02:36 165 7 11 13 14 16
12509 Afterimage Dyatic DieAtic 00:02:38 130 4 6 9 11 12
3448 [10] Harmony and Lovely (No CMOD) Ryu* ITL Online 2022 00:02:00 10
13668 Touhou Riddim Virtual Riot beat & flow 00:02:12 145 1 3 6 8 11
13171 PCP 16Bit global namespace 00:02:15 70-140 10
3095 sparky spark kamome sano Highflyer's Tech Trails 2 00:02:03 155 8 10 12 14
14202 Echolocation meganeko 9guys1pack 00:02:23 140 2 6 8 10 11 12
13550 13 Donkeys Massive New Krew New Year_s Stepfile Feast 2023-24 00:02:14 155 10
1979 MAXIMIZER CLI-MAX S. DDR Anthology Unlimited 00:01:38 190 14
1353 Lautar -Moldova 2012- Pasha Parfeny Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX VS EuroVision 00:01:50 107 1 3 5 8 13
11383 Interpassion Yelle JBEAN Originals - 2018 [Resyncs] 00:02:01 116 1 4 6 8 10
2710 ONE MORE SG LEWIS & NILE RODGERS Floorfiller - Diamond Disco 00:01:47 120 3 5 8
7340 Grand Slam Edelritter Technical Showcase 3 00:02:14 150 11
14890 [5125] [11] Disorder (Hard) HyuN feat. YURI ITL Online 2024 00:02:15 193 11
12494 Ching Ching Wolfgang Gartner DVogan's Tech Support 3 00:02:10 125 9
18737 [7630] [13] Acid Burst Memme ITL Online 2025 00:02:05 180 13
389 Riot (PSYQUI Remix) Tanchiky Bangers Only 3 00:02:27 176 10 12 13
3571 [12] Voidwalkers Chime & Au5 ITL Online 2022 00:02:12 142 12
12393 DJ Got Us Fallin In' Love (feat. Pitbull) Usher Fanatik's Fantastic Pack of LOOOOVE 00:02:12 120 9
13428 Fuego (Caliente Remix) Bond scryptstagram 00:02:28 132 2 4 8 10 12 15
Songlist last updated: 2025-03-16
Records 17,751-17,800 of 17,988
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.