Ratherbeonfire's Songlist

17,988 songs in 487 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

8916 Subside Ephixa & Bossfight dimocracy 00:02:15 124 2 4 7 10 12
17135 Boogie Woogie Mini Mini BoogieSteps 00:01:07 130 1 3 5 7 8
68 Levitate Rootkit 5guys1pack 00:01:48 126 2 3 6 8 10
3216 That Missing Week The Flashbulb I Have No Feet and I Must Stream 00:02:47 177 1 11 12 13 14
7272 The Philosopher's Apex nachi Technical Showcase 2 00:02:29 120 11
13130 Atrocity Go Shiina Kingly's Excellent Mix 00:03:03 83-179 12
3273 Alpine hutte Flying Kite ITGAlex's Compilation 3 00:02:12 128 1 2 4 6 9 10
6593 End of the World Rolling Contact Skittles Steps Fo(u)rth 00:02:17 105 2 4 5 8 10
689 WONDER_WOBBLER brz BemaniBeats 6 00:01:59 2 4 7 10 12
11570 12 little fragments of silence Betwixt & Between You're Streaming Again 00:05:23 220 2 15 16 17 18
18436 Soul A.Fruit & Itoa Egg Carton 3 00:02:01 160 1 7 9 11 12 13
5506 No One F.Cuz Mudkyp Korea 2 00:02:04 127 9
5474 Friends [Sonic Mania] Hyper Potions M.G's Magical Musical Pack v1.03 00:01:25 140 5 9 11
15777 [10/09] Reaper Gunships Faizar Hardstyle Goes Hard 00:02:10 151 9 10
5757 Roppongi Carillon Blue Roses Mute Sims 7 00:01:58 159 11
1851 DYNAMITE RAVE (super euro version) NAOKI with Y&Co. DDR Anthology Unlimited 00:01:27 150 14 14
7318 Colltorn 742 Technical Showcase 3 00:02:00 12 12
2679 The Great Gastly MDK Feraligatr Scales 3 00:01:57 118 10
13417 CROSSHARD SOTUI vs Quark LamaBeats 02 00:02:27 175 2 7 10 11 16 5 7 11 12
2848 Project No-Autotune Schoolboy GG Nebulous 00:02:07 87 2 5 7 11 13
13217 4[Cover] Deep Forest Deep Forest [V] RONDO (燐舞曲) D4DJ Pack 00:02:24 162 2 4 6 10
5653 Mess It Up Nauts Mute Sims 5 00:02:07 140 10
2825 Love Again Dua Lipa GG Basics 00:02:30 116 3 6 9 12 14
15240 [3309] [09] Sorry Sorry SUPER JUNIOR ITL Online 2024 Unlocks 00:02:19 130 9
1239 These Days Take That Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX Galaxy 00:02:12 120 2 3 5 7 9 7
7449 BEWM Slushii x Tokyo Machine Technical Showcase 4 00:02:07 128 11
16595 ドリーマーズ・ハイ RADWIMPS TJSGP2024 Full Package 00:02:14 132 12
8456 Triple Baka [V] Lazame-P feat. Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto & Akita Neru Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 1st 00:02:15 180 2 4 6 8 9
7768 The Sampling Paradise (Kyt-Xune) mamonis The Paradise Sampler 00:01:55 75-150 11
3315 Juggler's Maddness Lite Show Magic ITGAlex's Compilation 4 00:02:01 125 1 4 7 10 12 11
12063 Discoteque Maozon Lama Pack 2023 00:02:17 174 1 5 7 9 12 5 7 9 12
4726 Gimmie Love FantastixX JBEAN Originals - 2021 00:01:43 135 1 3 6 7 10
7278 Turning Point Grand Finals\: 3rd Place M2U Technical Showcase 2 00:02:13 150 12
14147 TRUST U SØNATA 9guys1pack 00:02:24 140 1 3 7 10 13
615 VALLIS-NERIA DJ YOSHITAKA BemaniBeats 5 00:02:13 185 13
12341 Mammagammaguchi EX-LYD Hubert's Hubris 00:03:29 172 14 15
12330 Zelophilia penoreri Hubert's Hubris 00:01:58 155 13
18006 Grin HyuN Sefirot'S SimfileS 6 00:02:35 130 12 13
660 Mirrorwall BlackY BemaniBeats 6 00:02:18 144 1 4 6 9 11
1247 Treasure Bruno Mars Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX Galaxy 00:01:58 116 1 3 5 7 9 7
1173 New Day, New Way Theme of The New Day Jim Johnston Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX Galaxy 00:02:11 103 1 2 5 8 10 9
1884 GENOM SCREAMS L.E.D. LIGHT DDR Anthology Unlimited 00:01:18 150 14 14
17754 Miracle Feat. Mameyudoufu Rejection Kerpa's Simfiles Playlist 4 00:02:11 128 2 4 7 9 11
9503 On My Mind Max Styler Maxx Simz #1 00:01:51 124 1 3 7 9 10
9724 Wine Red The Hush Sound BGS Mania 00:01:54 106 1 4 5 8
6447 Sin Pijama (YACO DJ Remix) Becky G & Natti Natasha Shut Up and Take My Money, Benpai 00:02:12 111 8 10
3004 Drrrrrrr! DJ Sharpnel Gpop's Pack of Original Pad Sims 00:01:58 180 2 4 6 8 10
1536 Headshot Ujico* Bubble Tea Invitational Co-Host's Exciting Sightreadables II 00:04:30 174-200 3 8 10 12 14
13824 Regret Aono Yuuki (prod. Yuyoyuppe) Virtual Youtuber Pad Pack II 00:01:50 85-190 2 4 6 9 12
12844 Captain Hook (Shpadoinkle) Ch!ps Shpadoinkle #2 00:03:12 135 9
Songlist last updated: 2025-03-16
Records 17,701-17,750 of 17,988
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.