Ratherbeonfire's Songlist

17,673 songs in 483 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

8485 Kokoro [V] Toraboruta-P feat. Kagamine Rin Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 2nd 00:02:29 1 2 4 7 11
15950 [3698] [09] Restart Subtact ITL Online 2024 Unlocks 00:02:16 155 9
17557 Scary Movie S3RL Highflyer's Tech-nically Terrifying 2 00:02:14 175 5 7 10 10
16582 Rhythmy feat.椎木レク Spacelectro TJSGP2024 Full Package 00:04:19 172 15
1244 Titanium David Guetta feat. Sia Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX Galaxy 00:02:28 126 1 3 5 8 8
13147 Wolfpack Vertical Jynx Does Streaming 00:02:25 148 2 4 8 11 13
11431 Forever Young BLACKPINK JBEAN Originals - 2018 [Resyncs] 00:02:09 110 1 3 6 7 9
12222 BERSERKER [Full Song] IRyS KyokiShinsa - Hololive Pack 4 00:03:19 198 2 5 10 15 17
14221 Foolish Hero lapix Rikame's Simfiles 6 00:02:19 73-145 1 3 7 10 12
10755 Intense Color Mario Paint Sephfire & Super Green X Tech-Bit Adventures 2 00:02:18 133-156 1 3 5 7 10
8208 Unique Pump It Up 2013 Fiesta 2 SHK Valex's Magical 4-Arrow Adventure 5 00:01:57 145 1 3 5 8 11 12
14861 [6373] [12] Funny Funky Freaky mommy ITL Online 2024 00:01:53 138 12
13086 Chronos [V] TAG Kingly's Excellent Mix 4 00:01:56 128 8 9 11
6963 Kiss Me More (Daju Remix) [Respect to SZA] Doja Cat Summer Vibes Vol. 2 00:02:14 116 1 2 5 8 9
11913 Catastrophe MuryokuP Slav Streamz 00:02:01 200 3 5 7 9 11
17847 つまりはいつもくじけない! Tsumari wa Itsumo Kujikenai! NEGI☆U Litter's Trash 00:01:33 179 3 11
4835 Nobody Loves You Breathe Carolina & farfetch'd JBEAN Originals - 2022 00:01:33 120 1 2 6 7 9
17795 Arcanos DJ Totoriott LamaBeats 04 00:01:55 64 1 4 7 9 11 4 7 9 11
15827 Sweet Tornado Vospi Eventual Ascension 3 00:01:48 109 5 8 9
8859 Do It! House Rulez dimocracy 2021 - second term 00:02:18 129 2 4 7 9 11 9 11
10306 [T10] Our Styles Hommarju & Zekk RIP 13.5 Singles 00:02:20 174 12
13909 Shin Garyoutensei Kakumi Nishigomi Rakkii's Raving Records Vol 1 00:01:54 106-135 2 5 7 9 11
7703 Twin☆kle★Tail [V] Familia Twin The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Starlight Dancefloor 2 00:01:55 1 4 6 8 10
6741 Release the Music beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle kors k Sudziosis 3 00:02:04 146 1 4 7 11 12 1 6 8 12
4695 Twit [V] Hawsa JBEAN Originals - 2020 00:02:04 1 4 6 8 9
18362 Opening the Gates to Dreamworld (Arcade Cut) Qygen Wrsw's Realm of Simfile Weirdness 00:03:12 175 4 9 11 13 14
6033 Hallelujah☆Essaim Gabriel DropOut ED1 Miyu Tomita, Saori Oonishi, Naomi Oozora, Kana Hanazawa Notice Me Benpai 00:02:19 50-200 2 4 6 8 9
13615 Simple Life Fox Stevenson Highflyer's Tech Trails 3 00:02:27 115 2 3 7 9 11
8120 Dance of Thorns Joren "Tensei" De Bruin Valex's Magical 4-Arrow Adventure 3 00:02:24 1 3 7 9 11
10277 [B]Footswitch(FS)(lv.2) ALLSTAR (feat. Free Nationals) Rae Khalil Tech Spectrum 00:02:14 95 8
9711 300 Detach M-Style Braeden's Beats the Final 00:02:29 6 12 17 19 21 18
12721 Hummin' To Myself Pisk (ft. Cab Calloway) SUGDW 1 00:02:13 123 1
5296 Nagata Nasata ☆☆ Special Double ☆☆ Pixel & Space Cat Lama Pack 2021 00:07:13 144 13
15959 BLACK or WHITE? (For Pleasure 176BPM) BlackYooh vs. siromaru Mind The Content Gap 00:02:07 176 12 14
11694 Into The Lead [Ridge Racer Vita] Hiroshi Okubo VGMixtape 00:05:54 143 4 9 12 13 14
17894 drop candy ラプラス・ダークネス MNRG Community Pack 00:02:24 140 2 4 7 9 11
17874 Strelka Yunosuke Lovely Techs 6 00:01:59 180 2 5 7 10 12
14685 Bad Intentions Zomboy Bumble's Steps 00:02:38 130 3 7 9 10 10
7978 Home House Rulez feat. Youme Valex Sims 2021 00:02:04 127 1 3 5 7 9
14709 Darkest Night [V] Kevu & NIVIRO JBEAN Originals - 2023 [Resyncs] 00:01:47 150 1 3 6 7 9
400 iLLness LiLin Kaneko Chiharu Bangers Only 3 00:01:59 140 10 13 15
2188 Dead or Alive Infernal Easy As Pie 4 00:01:26 125 10
11610 1001 Arabian Nights Ch!pz who asked 00:02:13 69-138 8 9
18288 Piece Of Your Heart (Ranji & Ghost Rider Remix) Meduza ft.Goodboys The Golden Path 00:03:18 10
3406 [09] Dance with Silence Camellia ITL Online 2022 00:02:16 128 9
7672 Hi-Fi☆Days [V] Little Marching Band Girls The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Starlight Dancefloor 2 00:02:04 191 1 3 5 7 10 11
2392 Temporal Despair TheGuitahHeroe Exceltastic Four Vol. 1 00:02:04 120 1 3 6 8 11
8217 Digital Veil The Human Abstract Valex's Magical 4-Arrow Adventure 6 00:02:20 234 1 5 9 11 14 14
7331 FnospiraL BlackY Technical Showcase 3 00:02:45 175 13 13
8405 The Endia & The Knights [V] Sound Horizon feat. Ruri, Toko, MiMi, Fubuki, Dola & Aoi Virtual Youtuber Pad Pack 00:02:14 204 1 3 6 8 9
Songlist last updated: 2025-03-10
Records 17,001-17,050 of 17,673
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.