Ratherbeonfire's Songlist

17,988 songs in 487 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

5785 Cool Me Mebbe DJ Technikore Mute Sims 8 00:02:21 170 11 13
9062 {::} [V] ゼタ三 global namespace 3 00:02:16 160 2 4 7 10 12
7146 Sunny Day Coyote Kisses Sweet Arrows And Hella Steps Vol. 4 00:02:21 168 12
9610 In The Dark The Birthday Massacre Braeden's Technicality 00:02:39 1 3 6 9 10 9
7909 No [V] Meghan Trainor The Starter Pack of Stamina 00:03:34 94 6 8 9 9 10
8831 Actuator aran dimo's -VI- selifmis 00:04:32 132 13
6208 Understand Srezcat Prickly Pear's Pulchritudinous Pack 00:02:40 10 11
12732 Gomenasai BWO Shpadoinkle #6 00:02:14 132 10
5517 Can't Nobody 2NE1 Mudkyp Korea 00:02:18 130 9
2577 Centipede [MODS] [V] Knife Party FEARMIX 2022 00:02:07 16 14
18454 7 Nights Ben Nicky Nothin' But Nines 00:02:16 140 4 9
1824 Castles In The Sky Ian Van Dahl feat. Marsha DDR Anthology Unlimited 00:01:51 12 12
2953 Versus! Camellia feat. Nanahira Gpop's Pack of Original Pad Sims III 00:02:17 200 2 5 7 9 12
15592 TIEFSEE SOUND HOLIC Vs. dj TAKA feat. YURiCa sodium chloride vol 2 - RED vs BLUE 00:02:03 165 2 5 7 9 13
14663 Badass GigaForte cosMo@bousouP Lovely Techs 5 00:02:06 104 1 5 8 10 13
3824 [11] How We Win FWLR ITL Online 2023 00:02:11 126 11
13625 Dawgs in Da House CanBlaster (Miami Style) Highflyer's Tech Trails 3 00:01:43 158 2 5 8 10 12
18628 [3354] [09] Rasputin Majestic, Boney M ITL Online 2025 00:01:54 128 9
14879 [5087] [11] Woofer Foks ITL Online 2024 00:01:57 140 11
18363 Oshama Scramble! t+pazolite Wrsw's Realm of Simfile Weirdness 00:02:03 190 3 6 10 12 14
10048 Overrated Three Days Grace Literally 2 00:01:15 70 6 8 10
8510 Netoge Haijin Sprechchor [V] Satsuki Ga Tenkomori feat. Hatsune Miku Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 3rd 00:02:22 175 1 2 5 8 11
8888 The Floor is Lava NIVIRO dimocracy 2021 - second term 00:02:04 128 2 4 6 9 9 7 9
9242 Like That Fox Stevenson led_light Complete Mix 2 00:02:04 174 4 7 10 12
15268 War DANCE WITH THE DEAD Freyja's Grimoire 00:04:53 114 12 13
17416 The Snail Timmy Trumpet, Mo Falk Eventual Ascension 4 00:02:20 128 9 11 12
18293 Run To Me Donk Remix The Golden Path 00:02:26 12
11611 Teknopathetic Jet Set Radio Future Hideki Naganuma We Love Noise Finale 00:01:33 80-160 11
18296 Leave It All Behind September The Golden Path 00:02:43 10
5055 Wicked Fate M2U Kerpa's Simfiles Playlist 2 00:01:43 140 1 3 6 10 11
2650 Zombie [V] Purple Kiss FEARMIX 2022 00:02:34 110 2 5 10 12
1139 I Took A Pill In Ibiza (SeeB Mix) [V] Mike Posner Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX Galaxy 00:01:58 102 1 3 5 8 9 8
15167 LALALAY Sunmi JBEAN Originals - 2019 [Resyncs] 00:01:57 110 1 2 5 7 9
1222 Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Mix) Lana Del Rey vs Cedric Gervais Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX Galaxy 00:02:11 126 2 3 6 9 10 9
4124 Disconnected Apotheosis CoBalt In The Groove Rebirth 2 00:01:41 145-290 1 4 8 11 12 5 8 11 12
8993 Possessed By The Blood Moon ReeK ephemera 00:03:36 210 16
5840 Pit Desk Mute Sims 9 00:02:17 189 12
18778 Shiva Shankara Sharmatix State of Trance 00:08:03 145 4 10 11 12 13
16779 On The Wing Owl City Ocean Eyes 00:05:05 115 12
8779 Real Love Funk LeBlanc feat Holland Greco boo.dance#3 00:01:48 122 9
2328 Samurai Blue Go 2 Eurobeat Is Fantastic - Second Stage 00:03:52 150 10 11 12 13
18750 [6904] [13] Oborozuki oou kumo wo mo sakinu かめりあ feat. 藍月なくる ITL Online 2025 00:02:00 192 13
8781 Symphony Clean Bandit feat. Zara Larsson boo.dance#3 00:02:26 123 10
955 The Rumbling [V] SiM Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX AFTERGLOW 00:01:29 145 4 7 12 15 12 15
8613 Revolution Habit The Great King Epidemic [V] suzumu feat. Kagamine Len Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 4th 00:02:09 2 5 7 9 13
1426 Hang With Me Robyn Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX 00:01:56 115 1 2 4 6
9359 Blessed Colors to All of You in My Thoughts Yu-dachi Condor's Overly Cool & Kawaii Simfiles 06 00:02:00 2 5 7 10 13
6386 Halo LUM!X ft. Pia Maria Shpadoinkle's Techsterity 00:02:02 150 8 9
1735 Infinite Fields ICE Cytus 1 - Side A 00:02:30 170 11 14
4866 Trash The Club [V] DJ Aligator JBEAN Originals - 2022 00:01:53 132 1 3 5 7 9
Songlist last updated: 2025-03-16
Records 16,901-16,950 of 17,988
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.