Ratherbeonfire's Songlist

17,988 songs in 487 packs

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All songs sorted randomly:

9568 Hardkore of the North Diclonius Kid Braeden's Technicality 2 00:01:42 190 2 5 9 12 14
200 Auld Lang Syne Rush Coil 8-Bit Christmas 00:01:57 93 9
9594 Galaga Pac Jam [Ridge Racer 64] Keith Arem Braeden's Technicality 00:01:40 169 6 9 12 14 15
17574 Bumble Bee Bambee In The Groove Redux 00:01:44 138 10
8351 Dance With Cinderella! [V] PABLO feat. Kaguya Luna Virtual Youtuber Pad Pack 00:02:20 143 2 5 7 8 11
8886 Take Me To Pleasure Island Shirobon dimocracy 2021 - second term 00:01:53 145 2 6 10 11 12 11 13
13539 13 Donkeys Massive New Krew New Year_s Stepfile Feast 2023-24 00:02:14 155 13
14301 4th Dimension Punchline Lama Pack 2018 00:09:00 81-163 16
9287 Pumpkin Panic [V] P*Light led_light Complete Mix 3 00:01:49 4 7 10 14 7 10 14
7610 Sever Vulpey Technical Showcase 00:02:15 100 10
2536 The Fox's Wedding [V] MASA WORKS DESIGN ft. Hatsune Miku & GUMI FEARMIX 2021 00:02:02 240 6 9 12 15 17
7122 Snowblind Au5 feat. Tasha Baxter Sweet Arrows And Hella Steps Vol. 3 00:02:30 11
15053 I'm Not Gay [NO CMOD] [V] J Pee Cafe Cursed 3 00:02:25 85 3 6 8 11 14 12
13438 Voodoo Noisia scryptstagram 00:02:31 140 2 5 8 10 11
1215 Still Into You Paramore Ben Speirs' SPEIRMIX Galaxy 00:02:16 136 2 4 5 7 9 8
16957 Synchronization fusq feat. kinoine dimocracy 2024 R1 - Bee, Ex, or Eff 00:02:01 9
1763 AI BEMANI Sound Team "Sota F." DDR Anthology Unlimited 00:01:43 190 18
12468 Gekka (Original Mix) Nhato DVogan's Tech Support 3 00:02:11 132 12
5273 Ghosts Of Forgotten Worlds Rhapsody Of Fire Lama Pack 2021 00:05:33 180-220 14
9635 Kimi no Heart ni Lock-On Dr.Honda Braeden's Rhythms 00:02:08 4 8 12 16 19
16763 Tee-hee Time Pedro Silva OMORI 00:01:44 198 11 12
7595 Lift Me Up Virtual Riot Technical Showcase 00:02:00 128 10
17401 Kyo You Mu BPM15Q Eventual Ascension 4 00:02:14 128 9 10 11
5187 Lucifer [V] Shinee Koreyja 3 00:02:49 125 9
1515 The First Punch Pierce the Veil Bracket Spectrum 00:02:26 190 12 13
4049 Radius [V] KURi-ZiLL In The Groove 3 00:01:45 152 1 5 7 8 10 3 6 8 9
16851 CUTE TURN Meme Tokyo Lobster Roll 00:02:23 136 9 11 12
3407 [09] Delightful Day (w/ visual FX, BG video) (No CMOD) [V] CG5 & James Landino ITL Online 2022 00:03:34 9
1605 Strokin' (It's More Than a Feeling) [V] Bill McClintock ft. Clarence Carter & Boston Cafe Cursed 2 00:02:10 115 3 6 8 10 12
8689 Nostalgic Winds of Autumn [V] An-P feat. Hatsune Miku Vocaloid Project Pad Pack 5th 00:01:51 126 1 2 5 7 9
14235 Deadly Force Noah Rikame's Simfiles 6 00:01:52 300 2 6 9 12 20
1687 Y.E.A.H. [V] ÆSC Club Fantastic Season 1 00:02:08 150 2 5 8 10 11 12
9626 Monster [V] Meg & Dia Braeden's Rhythms 00:02:04 96 2 6 9 12 19 13
1541 Mean What I Mean (feat. Leikeli47, Dreezy) AlunaGeorge Bubble Tea Invitational Co-Host's Exciting Sightreadables II 00:02:23 109 1 3 5 7 9
3342 [07] DNA Voia feat. Slyleaf ITL Online 2022 00:02:06 126 7
7108 Hanging On (Sound Remedy Remix) Ellie Goulding Sweet Arrows And Hella Steps Vol. 3 00:02:15 140 9
6125 39 XYLÖZ Prickly Pear's Poppin' Pack 00:02:11 120 9 10
7356 Level Skip Kkrusty Technical Showcase 3 00:01:51 125 12
4034 Kahu [V] Asha In The Groove 3 00:01:49 135 1 4 6 9 11 3 5 9 10
14470 Wanna Do ~Hardhouse Mix~ [V] Nina In The Groove 2 [R23] 00:01:50 149 1 3 6 8 10 2 5 9 10
4105 Teeny Weeny String Bikini Gunther In The Groove Rebirth + 00:01:41 132 1 3 5 8 9 8 9
15468 Tadoru kimi wo koete BEMANI Sound Team "Power Of Nature" Hubert's Hubris 2 00:02:13 160 2 5 10 12 14
18654 [4289] [10] emotion engine (ft. kaiyko) dazegxd ITL Online 2025 00:02:28 126 10
13586 Infinite Strife BlackYooh vs. Siromaru Inner Depths 00:02:53 198 3 7 10 13 16
9063 A Life With You DJMA TECHNIKA 3 makou iStep 00:02:02 122 10
16102 Pandemik No C-Mod D.F.K.Soundsystem Dynamic Groove (Unfinished) 00:02:05 105-210 14
17656 PA Theme MC Frontalot In The Groove Redux 00:02:17 142 10
16955 THE SAFARI LION MUSASHI dimocracy 2024 R1 - Bee, Ex, or Eff 00:01:28 12
7718 Love Destiny [V] MasqueRade The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Starlight Dancefloor 00:02:06 115 1 3 5 7 10
10484 S.A.R.I.E.L. [V] Akatsuki Records FEARMIX 2023 00:02:15 3 6 11 15
Songlist last updated: 2025-03-16
Records 16,701-16,750 of 17,988
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.